Journal of Uhruk the Vicious:

Journal of Uhruk the Vicious v2

Area map of the world of Greyhawk:

City of Greyhawk, bird's eye view:

General Map of the City of Greyhawk:

A necromancer of some sort who escaped the battle in the goblins lair.

Map found in the living quarters of Garnath, the goblin chieftain. There were journal entries regarding dealings with orcs. The Clan of the Bloody Axe had arrived some days earlier to pick up a shipment of gems stolen from Dorrak Brightgem. Uhruk the Vicious is the leader of their clan.

PDF file of the Campaign Handbook:

Campaign Handbook v375

Character Planner (for tracking hp, class advancement, feats, skills, other for each level):

Character Planner

Treasure Tracker

Treasure Tracker