Hero Points

Hero Points are given to reward players who put extra effort into the game. They are offered as an incentive to encourage role-play, teamwork, and player cooperation. At the end of each game session, each player will have the opportunity to nominate 2 characters to receive hero points via secret ballot (individual emails sent to the DM after each game session). Nominations should be based on excellence in role-play, teamwork, player cooperation, and heroic deeds accomplished during the course of play. A player cannot nominate himself for Hero Points. The DM will collect the ballots, take these recommendations under advisement, and award the Hero Points at the beginning of the next gaming session. Hero Points, if not used during a game session, will accumulate from session to session. Hero Points are not awarded during solo sessions or mini sessions (although XP is).

Hero Points will be awarded by the DM in the form of a marker which must be given back to the DM when the Player uses it. It is the Player’s responsibility to hold onto his/her Hero Point markers between sessions and to give them to the DM when they are used. Each NEW character starts the game with one Hero Point. A player may spend his hero points to accomplish any of the following, but he must declare his intent to use the points before any actions are taken.

Once a point is spent, it is gone and may never be used for another purpose.

Hero Point(s) - May be used to:
1 - Add +4 to any skill check, ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or initiative roll.
1 - Automatically succeed in a stabilizing roll to stop bleeding when between -1 and -10 hit points.

2 - Add +4 to a damage roll.
2 - Gain an additional standard action or move action for one turn.
2 - Avoid a single attack from one opponent for one round.

3 - Add +8 to any skill check, ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or initiative roll.
3 - Make a critical threat automatically become a critical hit. This option must be chosen after a threat is scored, but before the critical is rolled.
3 - Reroll a missed saving throw. You must take the result of the second die roll, even if it’s worse.
3 - Increase your Spell Save DC for a spell you just cast by 5 points.

4 - Add +8 to a damage roll.
4 - Gain 2 additional skill points. These points are spent normally, and may not increase a skill above a character’s normal limit.
4 - Avoid all attacks for one opponent for one round.

5 - Add +10 to any skill check, ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or initiative roll.
5 - Maximize damage for a single round.
5 - Reroll any die roll and keep the most favorable result. Use of this option must be declared before any secondary effects (such as damage) are described.

6 - Automatically succeed on one saving throw.
6 - Increase your Spell Save DC for a spell you just cast by 10 points.

10 - Force another player or NPC to reroll any roll.

20 - Gain a new general feat.

30 - Increase an ability score by one. This increase adjusts the base ability score, and is not an enhancement bonus.