Skills and Feats

Generally speaking, any skills or feats and the rules that govern them included in the core rulebooks or the supplements listed at the beginning of this appendix are fair game for use in this campaign. A new skill and several new feats are included below which can be incorporated into the game.


RUNECRAFT (Int; Trained Only; Spellcasters Only)
Using Runecraft, casters may create spellbooks that use much less space than traditional ones or variant spellbooks made of different materials. Casters that have this skill also have an easier time of identifying and deciphering magical and non-magical runes. By gaining ranks in this skill, the caster also gains access to 3 very useful item creation feats that require Runecraft as a prerequisite. The drawback to gaining ranks in this skill is the character will have less skill points to put into the Spellcraft skill.

Although this skill is most beneficial to wizards, other spellcasting classes may gain ranks in this skill to gain access to the related Runecraft feats. They also gain the benefits of being able to identify glyphs of warding, symbols and determine the school of magic involved and the general effect of a rune without read magic. Sorcerers may additionally benefit from this skill by being able to learn new spells from a rune or borrowed rune items.
Check: A successful check allows you to identify runes and transcribe spells to runic notation.

DC - Task
5 + spell level - Inscribe a known rune (of a spell you know) into a spellbook or onto alternate materials. One try per day.
10 + spell level - Transcribe a known spell into representative runes for writing in a spellbook or for creating an alternate spellbook out of other materials. One try per day.
13 - Identify a glyph of warding (without read magic). No retry.
15 + spell level - Determine the school of magic involved and the general effect of a rune. No retry.
15 + spell level - Identify a symbol (without read magic). No retry.
19 + spell level - Learn a spell from a rune or a borrowed rune item. No retry until you gain at least 1 rank in Runecraft, even if you find another source from which to learn the spell.

Retry: See above.
Special: A specialist wizard gets a +2 bonus when dealing with a spell/rune from his specialized school. He suffers a –5 penalty with a spell/rune from a prohibited school (and some tasks, such as learning a spell/rune from a prohibited school of magic, are just impossible). If you have 5 or more ranks of Use Magic Device, you get a +2 synergy bonus to Runecraft checks to decipher runes on scrolls or other magic items.
Alternate Spellbooks: A spellcaster with the Runecraft Skill may scribe runes in her spellbook instead of long-form draconic that details the process of casting a particular spell. This is an exacting process that requires a Runecraft skill check each time it is done, and it requires 1 day plus 1 additional day per spell level to create. The successful result creates a rune that only takes up the space of 1 page in the caster’s spellbook regardless of the spell’s level. Some spellcasters keep multiple spellbooks; one notated in runic form for travel and adventuring, and many at their home residence written in the draconic language.

Transcribing spellbooks into runic form is time-consuming and expensive. Materials for creating a runic spellbook cost 100 gp per page (or medium for alternate material) like the normal spellbooks. The end result creates a runic spellbook that takes up much less space and it costs much less to create considering the space saved in pages. Furthermore, if alternate materials are used, the caster’s spell library can be much more permanent.

In order to transcribe a known spell into representative runes for writing in a spellbook, the caster must succeed at a Runecraft check with a DC of 10 + the spell’s level. One try per day may be made to accomplish this. After this is accomplished, a Runecraft check of with a DC of only 5 + the spell’s level must be made in order to duplicate this inscription.

Runecraft can be used to create an alternate spellbook out of other materials. The caster must have an appropriate Craft skill for working with his chosen alternate material. Painting or Calligraphy would be appropriate for creating a spellbook of leather or other material that can be inked. Woodworking would be appropriate for creating a spellbook of small blocks or plaques of wood. Blacksmithing would be appropriate for creating a spellbook of small bars or thin slates of metal, or perhaps an iron staff wrought with runes. Stone Masonry or Gem Cutting would be appropriate for creating a spellbook of small rocks or gems with runes cut into them. A single Medium-size or smaller object can hold 1 rune per 5 points of material hardness. Therefore, a sheaf of leather pages, a collection of blocks of ash wood, an assortment of small metal plates, or a pile of small rocks or cut gems could be the wizards new spellbook. In most cases, the spellcaster creates a more durable version than the traditional spellbook.


You can inscribe inanimate objects with runes for use as limited-use magic items.
Prerequisite: Runecraft skill, Int 13+, Spellcaster level 4th+, appropriate Craft skill (Painting, Calligraphy, Woodworking, Stone Masonry, Blacksmithing, Gem Cutting, etc.)
Benefit: You can inscribe any spell known, granted, or memorized as a limited-use rune. The caster must have prepared the spell to be scribed and must provide any material components or foci the spell requires.
A Runecraft check of with a DC of 5 + the spell’s level must be made in order successfully inscribe the rune. If casting the spell would reduce the caster’s XP total, he pays the cost upon beginning the rune in addition to the cost of inscribing the rune itself. Likewise, material components are consumed when he begins writing, but foci are not. A single Medium-size or smaller object can hold 1 rune per 5 points of material hardness. Larger objects can hold one rune per 5 points of hardness per 25 square feet (an area 5 feet square) of surface area.

When you create a rune object, you make any decisions that you would normally make when casting the spell. You can set the caster level at anywhere from the minimum caster level required to cast the spell in question and no higher than your own level. Activating the rune requires the creature to touch the rune with either hand (the hand does not need to be empty). Activating a rune is a standard action that does not draw an attack of opportunity. If the activation check fails, the rune does not function and its uses are not expended. The effect of the rune may be dispelled by normal means (erase, dispel magic) or inhibited via an anti-magic shell. A rune written or painted on a surface fades away when expended, erased or dispelled. A rune carved into a surface remains behind as a bit of non-magical writing after its magic has been expended.

Maximum Spell Level: None.
Number of Runes per Object: Medium-size or smaller object - 1 rune per 5 points of material hardness. Larger objects - one rune per 5 points of hardness per 25 square feet (an area 5 feet square) of surface area.
Number of Uses per Object: Caster Level ÷ (2 x spell level), all fractions rounded down.
Runecraft Check to Inscribe DC: 5 + the spell’s level
Activation DC: Wisdom Check (DC 5 + Level of Spell Effect).
Duration: per Caster Level.
GP Cost to Create: Spell Level x Caster Level x 50 GP (0-Level spells count as 1/2 level).
XP Cost to Create: 1/25 of GP Cost + any costly materials or XP Component Costs.
Time to Create: 1 Day per 1000 GP Cost (all fractions rounded up), 1 Day Minimum
Example: Tallis is a 5th Level Wizard with a 15 Wisdom. He can inscribe any spell as a rune that he knows. Tallis has ranks in Craft (Woodworking) so he decides to inscribe magic missile into his club for use in his next adventure. Wood has a hardness of 5, so he can only inscribe 1 rune on his club, but he may use the magic missile rune 2 times (Caster Level 5 ÷ (2 x 1st level spell) before the rune is completely expended and becomes non-magical. When using the magic missile rune, the activation DC is 6 (+2 to the check for a 15 Wisdom). Each activation unleashes 3 missiles (5th level), dealing 1d4+1 points of damage each.

The GP cost to create the magic missile rune is Spell Level x Caster Level x 100 GP, or 1 x 5 (Tallis’s level) x 100 GP – 500 GP -- with an XP cost of 20 XP (500 GP x .04). It takes him 1 day to inscribe his club with this rune.

You can permanently inscribe living beings with runes for use as limited-use magic items.
Prerequisite: Runecraft skill, Int 15+, Spellcaster level 6th+, appropriate Craft skill (Painting or Calligraphy)
Benefit: You can permanently inscribe certain known, granted, or memorized spells as a limited-use rune on a living person or creature. The caster must have prepared the spell to be scribed and must provide any material components or foci the spell requires. A Runecraft check of with a DC of 5 + the spell’s level must be made in order successfully inscribe the rune. If casting the spell would reduce the caster’s XP total, he pays the cost upon beginning the rune in addition to the cost of inscribing the rune itself. Likewise, material components are consumed when he begins writing, but foci are not.

When you create a magic tattoo, you make any decisions that you would normally make when casting the spell. The bearer of the tattoo is the only one who can activate it and is always the target of the spell. Activating the tattoo requires the creature to touch the tattoo with either hand (the hand does not need to be empty). Activating a tattoo is a standard action that does not draw an attack of opportunity. If the
activation check fails, the tattoo does not function and its daily uses are not expended. Normally a magic tattoo uses a magic item space on the creature’s body. For example, a creature with a tattoo on one of its hands could not gain the benefits from a magic glove on that hand. Likewise, a creature with a magic tattoo on its back does not receive the benefits of a magic cloak, cape or mantle. In
effect, the magic tattoo is always the first item “worn” on that part of the body, negating the effects of all other items. A magic tattoo can be created that does not use a magic item space, but the base price of such a tattoo is double the normal value.

The effect of the magic tattoo spell may be temporarily dispelled by normal means (dispel magic) or inhibited via an anti-magic shell. Removing tattoos once in place requires high magic, as the process is similar to disenchanting any other magical item. Spells such as Mordenkainen’s Disjunction spell (or a wish or miracle) may remove the magic from a tattoo (but not the tattoo itself) and thereby eliminate the disenchanted tattoo from the limits on the number of magical tattoos a character can possess. Non- magical tattoos can be removed from a subject’s skin with a regenerate spell cast upon the inked area and restore the original skin tone.
Maximum Spell Level: 6th.
Maximum Number of Tattoos per Creature: Constitution Modifier of Creature (including Magic Item Tattoos). Total number of spell levels on a creature may not exceed the creature’s CON Modifier x 2.
Number of Tattoo Uses per Day: Constitution Modifier of Creature.
Runecraft Check to Inscribe DC: 5 + the spell’s level
Activation DC: Wisdom Check (DC 5 + Level of Spell Effect).
Duration: per Caster/Scribe Level of Tattoo or dismissal by creature (DC = Activation DC).
What spells can be tattooed? The RANGE of the spell must be PERSONAL or the RANGE AND TARGET/AREA OF EFFECT must both contain the words “TOUCH” or “YOU” in the description. Spell effects only apply to the Tattooed Creature – spell effects are not transferable to other creatures.
GP Cost to Create: Spell Level x Caster Level x 100 GP (0-Level spells count as 1/2 level).
XP Cost to Create: The caster AND the tattooed creature must both pay 1/25 of GP Cost + XP Component Costs when the tattoo is inscribed. Tattoo effects that have an XP cost per use affect the tattooed creature each time the tattoo is used.
Time to Create: 1 Day per 1000 GP Cost (all fractions rounded up), 1 Day Minimum
Example: Tallis is a 5th Level Wizard with a 15 Wisdom and a 14 Constitution. He can wear 2 tattoos whose total spell levels do not exceed 4 (Constitution modifier of +2 x 2) and use each tattoo 2 times per day. Tallis may choose to have: two 1st level spells; one 1st and one 2nd level spell; two 2nd level spells; one 1st and one 3rd level spell; or one 4th level spell magically tattooed on his body. Tallis persuades Valdis, a friendly 6th Level Wizard to inscribe 2 magical tattoos on his body, one 1st and one 3rd level spell. He has Valdis inscribe shocking grasp and fly since they both have “touch” included in the Range and Target descriptors. When using the shocking grasp tattoo, the activation DC is 6 and Tallis may wound a creature with it for 1d8 + 6 points of damage. When using the fly tattoo, the activation DC is 9 and Tallis may fly for a maximum of 60 minutes (10 minutes per Valdis’s caster level), or until he wishes to dismiss the effect which will require another Wisdom check, DC 9.

The GP cost to create the shocking grasp tattoo is Spell Level x Caster Level x 100 GP, or 1 x 6 (Valdis’s level) x 100 GP – 600 GP -- with an XP cost of 24 XP to both Tallis and Valdis. The GP cost to create the fly tattoo is Spell Level x Caster Level x 100 GP, or 3 x 6 (Valdis’s level) x 100 GP – 1800 GP -- with an XP cost of 72 XP to both Tallis and Valdis. The final cost of inscribing both tattoos is 2400GP (paid by Tallis, unless Valdis owes him a huge favor!) and 96 XP to both Tallis and Valdis. The inscription process takes a total of 3 days (2400 GP ÷ 1000 GP = 2.4 days, rounded up to 3 days).

You can permanently inscribe living beings with a magic tattoo that is linked to a magic item.
Prerequisite: Runecraft skill, Int 17+, Spellcaster level 8th+, appropriate Craft skill (Painting or Calligraphy)
Benefit: You can permanently inscribe a tattoo that represents a magic item on a living person or creature. A Runecraft check of with a DC of 5 + the spell’s level must be made in order successfully inscribe the rune. The item must weigh no more than the tattooed character can carry. Once the tattoo is inscribed, the wearer can magically store the item in the image and summon it as a free action. The bearer of the tattoo is the only one who can summon the magic item. The caster must have the magic item in his possession at the time of inscription.

Activating the tattoo requires the creature to touch the tattoo with either hand (the hand does not need to be empty). The magic item will appear wherever the caster wishes it to appear. Magic weapons usually appear in a hand, magic armor on his or her body, cloaks on his or her back, etc. Activating the tattoo is a free action that does not draw an attack of opportunity. There is no limit to the number of times the wearer can summon or restore the magic item.

A magic item tattoo must be inscribed on a part of the body near to where it is normally used. For example, magic weapons must be tattooed on a hand or forearm, magic armor must be tattooed on the chest or back, magic boots must be tattooed on the foot or shin, etc. A magic item tattoo uses a magic item space on the creature’s body. For example, a creature with a tattoo on one of its hands could not gain the benefits from a magic glove on that hand. Likewise, a creature with a magic tattoo on its back does not receive the benefits of a magic cloak, cape or mantle. In effect, the magic tattoo is always the first item “worn” on that part of the body, negating the effects of all other items. A magic tattoo can be created that does not use a magic item space, but the base price of such a tattoo is double the normal value.

The effect of the magic tattoo spell may be temporarily dispelled by normal means (dispel magic) or inhibited via an anti-magic shell. Removing tattoos once in place requires high magic, as the process is similar to disenchanting any other magical item. Spells such as Mordenkainen’s Disjunction spell (or a wish or miracle) may remove the magic from a tattoo (but not the tattoo itself) and thereby eliminate the disenchanted tattoo from the limits on the number of magical tattoos a character can possess. In such a case, the tattoo becomes disenchanted and the magic item magically appears next to the wearer. Non- magical tattoos can be removed from a subject’s skin with a regenerate spell cast upon the inked area and restore the original skin tone.

Maximum Number of Tattoos per Creature: Constitution Modifier of Creature (including other Magic Tattoos). Weapon and armor bonuses may not exceed the creature’s Constitution Modifier.
Number of Tattoo Uses per Day: Unlimited.
Runecraft Check to Inscribe DC: 5 + the spell’s level
Duration: Until restored by creature.
What magic items can be tattooed? Any magic item that weighs no more than the tattooed character can carry.
GP Cost to Create: 1/10 market value of magic item in gold pieces (all fractions rounded up)
XP Cost to Create: The tattooed creature must both pay 1/25 of GP in XP.
Time to Create: 1 Day per 2000 GP Cost (all fractions rounded up), 1 Day Minimum
Example: Tallis is a 5th Level Wizard with a 14 Constitution so he can wear 2 tattoos. He already wears a fly tattoo, so he can wear one other tattoo without exceeding his limit. He chooses to store a +1 returning dagger that he acquired while adventuring. Since the dagger’s bonus and the returning special ability do not exceed his Constitution modifier (+2 for a 14 Constitution), he can successfully wear this tattoo. Tallis persuades Valdis, a friendly 8th Level Wizard to inscribe the magic item tattoo on his body.

The GP cost to create the magic dagger tattoo is 1/10 market value of magic item in gold pieces – 831 GP (1/10 of 8302 GP, rounded up) and 333 XP (1/25 of 8302). The inscription process takes a total of 5 days (8302 GP ÷ 2000 GP = 4.151 days, rounded up to 5 days).